April 2016 Update

A Staggering Event

Hi Praying Friends,

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

In light of us recently celebrating Easter, it’s awesome to know JESUS IS ALIVE, HE CONQUERED THE GRAVE! Luis’ Easter message at a church in southern California shared this very thing, and because Jesus rose, In Him we are a new creation! Transformed lives!! He reported that we’re no longer lost but found, not blind but can see, not slaves but free, and the list goes on. The one he liked and I appreciated was that we're not on our own but that GOD ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS! That’s staggering!

Keep praying friends, and thank you for praying for Luis and the team as they minister around the world to transform lives for eternity in Jesus! God’s heart, and the Palau’s heart is for the nations. Luis recently spent a week on radio/TV broadcasts for Continente 2016 answering questions one on one, and sharing the gospel! Check it out in the Central/South American report below. Be sure to pray over our other reports too as Andrew will be having festivals in Jamaica in July and Africa in August, as well as other events world wide!

Please pray over the details by opening the below reports, printing copies of those reports (if it helps you, it helps me) and praying regularly for them. By regularly, I challenge us to pray for them daily. A friend recently shared that she prays for our nation every day at noon. Would you consider praying every day, at 2:10pm, for Phil. 2:10-11 “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Set your phone alarm as a reminder at 2:10 (or whatever time works best for you) and pray with me and our regional prayer leaders:

North America | Vicky Burgess, Michelle Palau | Report > > >

Europe | Caryn Ogle, Kim Grimberg | Report > > >

Africa | Gita Santangelo, Kheri Schaar | Report > > >

Caribbean | Debbie Jamison, Glenda Kraus | Report > > > 

Central & South America | Sheri Lozano | Report > > >

Asia | Connie Luebke, Gail Link | Report > > >

Forward this email to your praying friends and invite them to join us! They can sign up at www.nationalprayerteam.org to receive future emails and prayer requests. 

Save the date: Our Prayer Conference call is this month on Tuesday, April 26 at 1:00 P.M. Pacific, 3:00pm Central and 4:00pm Eastern time. Call details to follow. We’ll be having a special guest, Wendy Palau’s sister-in-law Sally from Jamaica join us, and will be sharing her heart as she and the team are preparing for the festival in July.

Praising God and Praying with You,

Gail Stockamp


March 2016 Update

Hi Praying Friends,

Earlier this month, I was blessed to be at a conference with Andrew Palau. He shared from Luke 5:1-17 when Jesus said to Peter: “Put out into the deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” The lesson for us: Not to be afraid of the catch, for men to know Jesus. This calling is critical to the Palau ministry, as well as to us! We’re telling people to be prepared to meet Jesus, for transformed hearts and minds, and realizing who Jesus is. Peter is obedient to follow Jesus, and we can be too! How? By our prayers, living a life of integrity, growing and walking in the things of God. It’s His calling for purpose and joy in our lives. It’s the reason the Palau team goes out into the world. It’s God calling!

Praise God with us in calling Kheri Schaar to co-lead with Gita in our prayers for Africa. Welcome Kheri! Continue to ask God to bring us a co-leader to Sheri for South America.

The Palau team has been called and we are called as well to be Fishers of Men! Ladies, let’s go fishing…. open the below reports by region! Plead with Him for His people of the world to come and be “caught" by Him!

North America | Vicky Burgess, Michelle Palau | Report > > >

Europe | Caryn Ogle, Kim Grimberg | Report > > >

Africa | Gita Santangelo, Kheri Schaar | Report > > >

Caribbean | Debbie Jamison, Glenda Kraus | Report > > > 

Central & South America | Sheri Lozano | Report > > >

Asia | Connie Luebke, Gail Link | Report > > >

SAVE THE DATE: Our Prayer Conference call is next month on April 26 at 12:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time. We’ll be having a special guest from Jamaica join us and share how they are preparing for the festival in July. More details to come!

Have a Happy and Blessed Easter, HE IS RISEN!Gail Stockamp"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

NY CityFest Update

Dear Praying Friends,

I have so much to report after a wonderful week of God's power and love revealed to the masses! However, since a picture says a thousand words, I will start by sending you a beautiful video recapping the past week. Simply click here to enjoy the images of God's Word being proclaimed, His name glorified and people coming to Him! 

Continue to pray for those whose faces you see in the crowds. He is indeed still at work!

Thank you for your faithfulness,

Gail Stockamp

Update from Gail and Andrew Palau

Dear Family In Christ,

I was able to catch up with my dear friend Andrew Palau following this amazing week of ministry in New York City. Please take a minute to watch this video greeting with words of thanks and encouragement!

Click here to view the video.

Be amazed with me at all God is doing! This is really just the beginning as He continues to use those committed to Him in new and mighty ways.

Gail Stockamp

June Update

One of my favorite verses in the Bible, my life verse, is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.” Notice it’s to trust Him with ALL your heart in ALL your ways and HE WILL (not maybe) make your paths (plural) straight.


NY CityFest Update

Watch a video greeting from Gail Stockamp > > >

Dear Praying Friends, 

Thank you to your fervent prayers, we have lots to praise God for and to continue lifting up before His throne!

The past two weekends Staten Island believers have reached out to their communities in Jesus’ name! May 16th at Midland Beach Park, 750 families enjoyed a fun day with food, activities, music, and the Gospel. May 23rd at Stapleton Park, 6 churches and the Salvation Army joined together to bridge the gap between the churches and their community! 100’s of families came to enjoy the afternoon and hear the Good News. With momentum on Staten Island going strong after the 4 festivals this past month, local churches are already planning more outreaches to their community!

Stories of Hope, Women’s Dinner on June 1st is quickly approaching.  3 weeks ago only 2 tables were hosted, now all 100 tables are filled- and there is a waiting list. 1000 women will attend and hear the Gospel with “Stories of Hope!"

Counselor training is well underway with over 1500 Christians trained and ready to help those who want to receive Christ at any festival event!  You can be equipped to share your faith too. Check out Festivalfriend.com.

Add June 7th to your calendar of events.  Bridgeport CT will be having a festival there with Luis. To see more of the exciting events that are coming up visit to nycityfest.org.

Keep Luis in prayer as he moves (temporarily) to NY this week! 

The media and PR have begun publicizing Luis and Cityfest. Praise God for the people being reach through these methods. Pray everyone in NYC has an opportunity to attend at least one event to hear about The Good News in the City.

Lift up the upcoming women’s luncheon in CT, this Thursday, May 28th, where God willing 400 women will hear Jesus’ name.  

This weekend, May 28, 29, 30th, an outreach called AWAKEN will take place in Queens and Manhattan. Through music and the Word with Phil Wickham, Mike Doyle and Andrew Palau, people will once again have the opportunity to hear the Good News!  

Similar to how we begged God to provide the women for the women’s dinner on June 1st (a seemingly impossible task), please ask God to provide table hosts and guests who need to know Jesus for the June 9th Business & Civic Leaders Breakfast. This is a unique opportunity for people to invite co-workers and friends to hear the Gospel.

Lots of great things going on!  Keep praying and fasting as the work intensifies and the enemy doesn’t like it!  Pray for the team’s protection and health, and for their families while they’re apart. Ask God to work wonders in the lives of people in and around NYC this month!

Praying in a NY minute,
Gail Stockamp

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will be faithful to bring it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.  Phil 1:6

April Update

April 2nd marks 100 days until the proclamation of the gospel via the festival in Central Park on July 11th!  That’s 100 days of preparation, uniting, serving and praying!  Momentum is rising and the team is busy orchestrating around 100 events between now and then!

February Update

We’re praising God for many answered prayers as we continue to prepare and get equipped for NY CityServe & CityFest! There are many, many events already taking place and still being planned to serve the people and proclaim God’s truth. The event that will surely capture the attention of the city will be the Festival with Luis on July 11th in Central Park!!

January Update

Happy New Year! We are anointed and appointed for this time in history to share the Good News of Jesus! In spite of being a wealthy nation, we are also spiritually depraved and in need of a Savior… Jesus is the only solution! The Palau team is humbled, yet equipped to bring the gospel to NYC and beyond. Your prayers are coveted and getting more on board to pray is vital!

December Update

The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness a light will shine… For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on His shoulders and He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace… Isaiah 9:2-7

October Update

Our Mighty God is a Promise Keeper! In Jeremiah 33, He promises restoration to the Isrealites: “I will bring health and healing . . . let them enjoy abundant peace and security. I will rebuild. I will cleanse. I will forgive all of their sins and rebellion. Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.” This is a prayer we can pray for NYC!!

July Update

Enjoy the journey and excitement as the vision begins for NY Cityserve, uniting prayer groups around the nation with areas of New York City! Our goal is to have a prayer group in every state. Members of the NWPT and prayer groups will be assigned to an area by region. Find your state to know which area of NYC you are connected to.

Specific Regional Updates: Here

May Update

John 13:34 says: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you 
must love one another. By this, all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one 
another.” Such love is revolutionary! 

Let our love bring unbelievers to Christ and keep believers strong and unified by following His 
example of love. Let’s express His love by bringing the body of Jesus together in unity. Let’s tap 
into the power we have of the Holy Spirit in us! 

Specific Regional Updates: Here