October Update

Dear Prayer Partners,

Our Mighty God is a Promise Keeper! In Jeremiah 33, He promises restoration to the Isrealites: “I will bring health and healing . . . let them enjoy abundant peace and security. I will rebuild. I will cleanse. I will forgive all of their sins and rebellion. Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.” This is a prayer we can pray for NYC!!

Do you know Frank Sinatra’s song “New York New York?” The first line is iconic: “Start spreading the news…” How fitting is that line for NY CityServe & CityFest as we think of the Good News we are wanting to spread around New York City and our nation, praying for thousands to embrace forgiveness, healing, and salvation? 


We rejoice for answered prayers for the NY CityServe & CityFest launch on September 23! The Lord let His fire fall that day. The church was packed in spite of the U.N. General Assembly causing a traffic gridlock. Around 1,000 church leaders attended with 60 in an overflow in a lower floor of the church. The spirit of the meeting was tremendous!

On September 20, New Jersey also had a successful CityServe launch with Kevin Palau and a number of New Jersey pastors. The New York City fundraiser at the Harvard Club was full of marketplace leaders. What a way to go! We expect a great touch from heaven to bless New York City.


Hard work continues as we build on what has been done and go deeper, allowing the principles of Psalm 133 to penetrate and bless New York City. Prayer requests moving forward:

  • Church consultations over the next 6-8 weeks with core churches, to give them the opportunity to partner with CityServe & CityFest.
  • A spirit of unity among the churches across cultures and denominations.
  • Great burden for the lost among believers in New York City.
  • Wisdom from the Lord.
  • Direction on what regional outreaches to conduct.
  • The formation of 12 Pastor Groups in Manhattan.
  • Movement Day, October 23rd at the Marriott Marquis New York City. This event addresses the urban realities in the 21st Century, catalyzing leadership teams from the world's largest cities to serve their cities more effectively. Luis and Kevin will speak.
  • Venue locations, dates, and permits.
  • Finances.
  • Health, safety, rest, and protection from the enemy for all staff members and their families
  • New CityServe and prayer partners.

In addition, pray for more intercessors to join the team and keep fanning the flame! Do you have friends or family in the following states: Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, or West Virginia? Please forward this email and invite them to join our team! We want to offer up as many prayers as possible on behalf of NYC and our Nation. 

Thank you for your prayers and for your heart for New York City and our Nation!

Praying with you,

Gail Stockamp
NWTP Coordinator

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. Romans 12:12