January Update

Dear Prayer Partners,

Happy New Year! We are anointed and appointed for this time in history to share the Good News of Jesus! In spite of being a wealthy nation, we are also spiritually depraved and in need of a Savior… Jesus is the only solution! The Palau team is humbled, yet equipped to bring the gospel to NYC and beyond. Your prayers are coveted and getting more on board to pray is vital!

Matthew 9:37-38 says "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field."

As we enter 2015 and “sow” and pray, here is my challenge:

Set your cell phone/home alarm to 9:38 A.M. or P.M. (for Matthew 9:38) and pray for the requests below, and/or the requests from your daily NYC prayer journal. And, invite one (or more) of your praying friends to join our team.


  • Thank you for praying for Wendy Palau in December as she spoke to more than 500 women in Brooklyn. Praise God with us as His presence was obvious! In Wendy’s words; "It was absolutely beautiful. Truly. The room was packed to overflowing... There was a spirit of joy, celebration and expectation. I felt such freedom in the Spirit to speak like never before."
  • Praise God with us also in regards to Kevin Palau’s lunch with Manhattan pastors last month. Kevin was very encouraged by their time together! The pastors are very enthusiastic and working hard together to impact their communities in Jesus’ name!


  • Pray as we enter 2015. That this will be the year of our Lord in the USA, starting in NYC. Pray for changed lives as people are drawn closer into relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit, the prayers of His people, and the efforts of believers all around the nation!
  • Ask God for more churches in the New York City area to catch the vision and to join in this month . . . to pray together, learn to love each other, find ways to serve together, and boldly share the Good News! Pray as teams seek clear vision and execution of details as they seek to have outreaches in every region around NYC within the coming months.
  • Pray for Luis and the Palau team as they look toward several January gatherings for planning, inspiring and encouraging. The NYC team gathers in Portland, Jan 12-14th. A New York Pastors’ Prayer Summit will be hosted Jan 19-21st. January 20th is the official launch of Connecticut CityServe in Norwalk, CT. January 27th will be a gathering of youth leaders from all over the region to pray and prepare for a youth rally coming in March.
  • As things on the ground with CityServe & CityFest pick up at the start of the New Year, please ask God to clearly direct the plans for public relations and media. Our prayer is that God would open doors like never before for favorable promotion and coverage that will draw people closer to Him.
  • Beseech God for clear and definite direction as the team seeks finalization of the venue for the “big event”- a full scale celebration festival where the gospel will be preached to thousands! Finalizing these details with the city soon would enable the team to move forward with details and planning.
  • Pray for continued unity among believers and churches throughout the great NYC area. Pray for real joy and passion as believers recognize their roles in winning people to Christ.

Praying with you,
Gail Stockamp 

Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:21a