January Update

At the dawn of this New Year:  PREPARE to be "utterly amazed!" 

Habakkuk 1:5 says, 
"Look at the nations and watch-and be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days (in NYC) that you would not believe, even if you were told."  

"The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land (NYC) will yield its HARVEST.  Righteousness goes before Him and PREPARES THE WAY for His steps."  Psalm 85:12-13

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Below is a quick note from our Church Director, Tom Mueller, working on the ground in NYC for the Luis Palau Association. Tom oversees the work in Westchester County, Long Island, & Staten Island. Be encouraged at all that is taking place and lift up Tom as He seeks God’s leading.

Thanks for reaching out and praying. Currently I am trying to break ground and get strong contacts in the area. I have a pastoral meeting set up in Yonkers with hopefully 30 pastors at the beginning of February, but there is still a lot of territory to cover and little time.  Pray for the upcoming pastoral meeting and that the pastors attending will come together and provide a good start in serving and proclaiming the Gospel together.  


•    Praise God for how the New Year has brought new enthusiasm and momentum to this Gospel movement all over the NYC area!
•    Praise God for opening the door for Luis to speak at Westpoint this Spring.


•    Pray for a well attended youth meeting on January 27th with youth leaders from around the region to cast vision for an upcoming youth conference in March.
•    Pray for a final location for our youth conference in March. This is an urgent need.  Pray that the right venue is found that meets the needs of the youth.
•    Pray for favor.
•    Pray for the right contacts that will be favorable and spread the vision of revival.
•    Pray for a favorable meeting February 3rd with leaders in Yonkers.

Thank you for joining together in prayer. Rejoice as we see God at work, 

Gwen , Regional Prayer Leader for the Northern Midwest