Greetings Praying Friends in the Northern Midwest,
Advent blessings to each of you! As you anticipate the celebration of our Savior’s birth, may you be blessed with peace and joy in your hearts that reflect the true wonder of Jesus.
Thank you for taking time in your busy holiday schedule to continue to lift New York, specifically Westchester County, before our Lord. We know that He is honored. Our prayer is that come this time next year, there will be many, many more people celebrating Jesus and the salvation He offers for all! We are asking God to work wonders, starting in NYC and flooding through our nation. How different might this season look in 2015 if we are in the midst of National Revival?!
Praise God with Us!
As we near the New Year and the festival approaches, let us praise God for what He is doing. All around New York, pastors and church leaders are meeting, dreaming and casting vision for what a unified effort to share Christ, both practically and evangelistically, might look like in their neighborhoods. Praise God for how He is drawing people together and revealing His plan!
Pray to God with Us!
• For Tom Mueller, as he begins oversight of Westchester County, in addition to Long Island and Staten Island. Ask God for favor as he meets with pastors and mobilizes believers. Pray for his family as they have relocated to NYC in order to maximize their availability for the Lord.
• The ongoing discussion regarding venue with the Parks Dept. and the city. Ask God to open doors while clearly leading us to the location and time of His choosing.
• Pray for neighborhoods as they begin planning for local outreach events.
• For more churches in Westchester County to hear about NY CityServe & CityFest and to enthusiastically come on board!
• Strength to stay focused in the battle and protection for every team member and their families, whether in NYC or those traveling.
• More business leaders to own the vision locally and to help with fund and other opportunities to engage.
As we anticipate all God will do in response, thank you for your prayers! May you enjoy this Christmas season and recognize Jesus in your everyday.
Gwen Dahlen
Northern Midwest Regional Prayer Coordinator
Praying for Westchester County