August 2018 Update


I have called you by name; you are mine (Isaiah 43:1b).

I love summertime! It means blue skies, sunshine, warm (ok, hot) weather, Bar-B-Qs, and family vacations. Our family had the joy of houseboat camping together and sleeping outside under the stars this summer. It was amazing! The dark sky was full of bright, twinkling lights – millions of them!  

I thought of the Psalm 147:4: "He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” How incredible is that?  

The Creator of the universe not only knows each star by name, but think of it. And we’re no different. He knows each of us intimately and personally! We’re the pinnacle of His creation, created in His own image! We’re His glory, children of the King. We belong to Him!

One of my favorite Bible verses that Luis brought to light for me is 1 Peter 2:9: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” God has created and knows each of us! Yet sadly, many are still in the dark and don’t know Him!

That’s where we come in!  

We’re His vessels to do His great work! We have the joy and responsibility of bringing others to Him. We can come together in prayer and join in the work the Palau team is doing worldwide to proclaim the Good News!  

Andrew and the team just had a great time sharing the Gospel in Eugene, Oregon and are now headed to Bogotá, Colombia. Then it’s Grand Rapids and more cities throughout the year.

Please pray with us and open the below reports to specifically know what to pray for in the months ahead.

Called by Him in the Power of Jesus’ Name,

Gail Stockamp

"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you" (John 15:16).


Please open and pray for the people and events represented: 

  • Africa | Continued progress in Abidjan for Cote d’Ivoire festival in February | Report

  • Asia | Praying for approval for distribution of Easter book | Report

  • North America | Celebrating hundreds of decisions for Jesus in Oregon, praying for festival in Michigan | Report

  • Europe | UK leaders to gather to catch vision for a larger festival after Joy@KemptonPark success | Report

  • Central & South America | August Festival NOW in Bogota | Report

  • Caribbean | Praising God for outreaches in Cuba, praying for new believers in Jamaica | Report


  • Praise for Eugene! The week of July 24-28 was a victory in Lane County, Oregon! Outreaches included a breakfast for first responders, a dinner for women, an outreach at a youth correctional facility, a skate outreach, and of course, the festival at PK Park. More than 9,500 people were in attendance on Saturday, July 28th (the largest gathering in the history of the ballpark, with more than 950 confessions of faith as a result of the campaign!) See photos and read the full report at

  • Bogotá, Columbia Festival is this week! This visit on August 12-19 will include affinity outreaches in prisons, universitys, and neighborhoods, as well as a special event for business and civic leaders. Street teams will be saturating the region! Friendship Evangelism Training will be provided to thousands of believers. This is a special festival as Andrew takes the lead sharing the Good News to a new generation of Colombians in the same location Luis had his first evangelistic campaign 52 years ago. The festival will be covered thoroughly on social media, radio, and television throughout Latin America.

  • Grand Rapids CityFest is September 2-9! Events to come include festival friend trainings, prison outreaches, a Spring Arbor University outreach, a women’s luncheon, a business and civic leaders luncheon, a latina brunch, all culminating to a 2-day music festival in Grand Rapids on September 8-9. Learn more at

  • United Kingdom Tour, 4 Cities of England, October 1-5

  • Jose C Paz, Argentina Festival, November 12-18


Please forward this email to your praying friends and invite them to join us. They can sign up at to receive future emails and prayer requests. If it helps, print out the requests and keep them in a spot where you’ll remember to pray. (It helps me!)


Thank you for joining us in prayer! I pray you are blessed, knowing you are called a child of the King (that means you’re royalty), as you pray to bring more into His kingdom!