“But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord . . .” (Micah 3:8a)
Our country recently celebrated its freedom on the 4th of July.
You may have done what my family did and enjoyed a great, explosive, and powerful display of fireworks. Did you know that the word “power” is translated from the Greek word “dynamis,” where we get the English word “dynamite.” In the World’s view, power brings independence and self-sufficiency – with no need for God’s – or anybody else’s – help. Completely self-sufficient. Strong enough.
But actually, any power like this is temporary and doesn’t satisfy completely.
Jesus told His disciples, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses . . . to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
How awesome is it to know that He lives in us and empowers us to be witnesses of God’s love!
One way to tap into this power is through prayer. “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly” (Acts 4:31).
God is sharing his dynamite power with us because as faithful followers, He abides in us! And when He abides in us, He has the power to use us! It’s also the only power that is sufficient to win spiritual battles against our own selfish desires and the devil. He has the power to blast out anything that is unlike God.
He uses His power to break us so that He might remake us. He helps us get rid of our selfish desires, submit to His will, and transform our lives completely.
As Luis, Andrew, and the Palau team are in the business of evangelism and tapping into the Holy Spirit’s dynamic power, would you join me in setting aside some time today to pray for our Palau friends to continue to be used by God in a powerful way to share the Gospel with those who need to hear it.
You can catch up on all that is happening through the Palau Association in the coming months by reading the reports below. Then, let’s all ask God to give us boldness to use our Holy Spirit power to transmit His message through us too!
Praying in the Holy Spirit’s Power and in Jesus’ Name,
Gail Stockamp
“My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power” (1 Corinthians 2:4).
Please open and pray for the people and events represented:
- Africa | Progress in Abidjan for Cote d’Ivoire Festival in February 2019 | Report
- Asia | Blessing over a new Easter book, prayers with new country laws toward evangelism | Report
- North America | Festival on July 28 in Eugene Oregon; preparing for Grand Rapids in September| Report
- Europe | Praise for salvation of many in the UK | Report
- Central & South America | August Festival in Bogota | Report
- Caribbean | Potential breakthrough in Cuba | Report
City Gospel Movements (CGM) Launches New Campaign with Movement.Org: The CGM team had great meetings in NYC with the Movement.Org team (formerly The New York City Leadership Center). They have been friends and partners since 2010, and have recently formed a renewed partnership focused on using their combined platforms to further City Gospel Movements around the world.
>>> Read more here.
- Thousands Reached in the UK through Joy@KemptonPark Festival: Praise God for a wonderful visit in the UK last month. Andrew met with pastors and city leaders to discuss the possibility of city-wide festivals in several communities. He had fantastic early conversations with leaders in Birmingham, Bristol, and Wolverhampton. It appears evident that Gospel momentum is building in the UK. Andrew ended his time in Sunbury, England, speaking at the Joy@KemptonPark Festival on Father’s Day. More than 15 churches came together for this festival, reaching over 2,000 people, and feeding more than 5,000 throughout the weekend. Dozens of individuals made public commitments to Jesus Christ as a result. (It may not seem like many people to us in the U.S., but this was a big deal for the UK.)
>>> Watch the highlight video here.
- Multiple Initiatives in West Michigan Pave the Way For CityFest in September: Following Andrew's trip to the UK, he headed straight to Gaylord, Michigan, to share the Good News at the Big Ticket Festival where he spoke to a packed crowd. Since January, Andrew, Kevin, and a handful of team members have been in and out of West Michigan, working with existing efforts and helping plan new ones. Events have included the RE:NEW Gathering with Andrew Palau and Francis Chan, One West Michigan’s launch, Friendship Evangelism Training with Mark Mittelberg, and The Movement youth event featuring Andy Mineo and Jarrett Stephens. Events still to come include Festival Friend Trainings, prison outreaches, a Spring Arbor University outreach, a Women’s Luncheon, a Business and Civic Leaders Luncheon, a Latina Brunch, all culminating to a 2-day music festival in Grand Rapids on September 8-9.
>>> Learn more at cityfestwestmichigan.org.
- Praise for Next Generation Alliance Amplify Conference in Chicago & Launch of “Women of NGA”: Praise God for the Chicago NGA Connect@Amplify Conference that took place June 25 with 110 evangelists. Speakers included Andrew Palau, Mike Silva, and Bob Lenz with Palau’s Dave Jones moderating. NGA led the evangelism track and 6 breakout workshops for the conference. Palau workshop leaders included John Ogle, Levi Park, and Alan Greene. With the help of Wendy Palau and NGA members Joan Cook and Vicki Greene, NGA launched the Women of NGA. Their goal is to affirm and encourage women evangelists and women who are spouses of evangelists. Stonecroft Ministries provided great resources, and also incorporated the Women of NGA resource page in an evangelism and discipleship directory, accessed by their 15,000+ volunteers across the US and globally.
>>> Learn more at nextgenerationalliance.org.
Eugene’s Mass Media Campaign in Full Swing: CityFest with Andrew Palau in Eugene, Oregon, on July 28, preceded by a women’s dinner on July 24. Pray for the ongoing promotional campaign – that the entire region would know about the festival.
>>> Learn more at cityfest.org.
Join us as we pray for Luis and LPA! There will be much to pray over with the Eugene festival on July 28, the Bogota festival in August, and the West Michigan festival in September! Our one-hour national quarterly conference prayer call is Tuesday, July 24 at 1 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, 2 p.m. Mountain time, 3 p.m. Central time and 4 p.m. Eastern time.
Calling in is easy. Simply call 712-832-8330. You will be prompted to enter an access code. The access code is: 8750743. Press # after entering the access code. You will be prompted to enter an audio pin for the call, so simply press # again at this prompt.
If you are calling from a phone with a "mute" button, please mute your phone when you are not audibly participating to avoid any background noise or distractions.
Please forward this email to your praying friends and invite them to join us. They can sign up at www.nationalprayerteam.org to receive future emails and prayer requests. If it helps, print out the requests and keep them in a spot where you’ll remember to pray. (It helps me!)
Thank you for joining us in prayer! I pray you experience the Holy Spirit’s power in a mighty way as you pray with us.