June 2017 Update

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:19

Dear Praying Friends,

All of us have keys, right? Keys to lock up our valuables to keep them safe. Keys to secure our home, our car – allowing us permission to enter vehicles, properties, and dwellings.

I recently read in Isaiah 22:20-24 where Eliakim was King David’s palace administrator and as such he wore the key to the house of David around his shoulder. This key symbolized his power and authority. He was the only person in the palace who had access to every room. There was no door he could not shut and there was no door he could not open.

Jesus now holds the key of David which represents Christ’s authority to open the door of salvation into His future kingdom (Revelation 3:7-8). However, we too have the keys of the kingdom of heaven so that we can advance the Kingdom of God (Matthew 16:19). Now we don’t get to decide to open or close the kingdom of heaven for others, but God uses us to help others find the way inside. One of the keys he gives us is PRAYER!

Prayer is a powerful key and God is willing to intervene on our behalf when we ask Him. The Bible says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

Regardless of the challenges, prayer is the key that opens the door to God’s solutions for every need or problem. Our Lord’s ability to help is just as powerful today as it was 2000 years ago. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

So let us boldly knock on heaven’s door and call upon the Lord in faith. Prayer is, and always will remain, the key that opens the door to God’s help and blessing!

Will you pray with me, and even pound on heaven’s door, for the work of the Palau ministry as they advance God’s kingdom in sharing the Gospel? Let's use the key of prayer to unlock places that the enemy doesn’t want us or LPA to enter!

Unlocking Doors with You in Prayer,

Gail Stockamp


Côte d’Ivoire, Africa | Groundwork is being laid by the team (Andrew Palau, Tim Innes, Gary Losey, Max Swart, Randy Glanz), as well as NGA and our ministry partners.

United Kingdom | Andrew’s visit in May with many good results, a great Board meeting with much joy and celebration with new team members, and numerous outreach opportunities to share the hope we have in Jesus, especially critical at this time, right after the terrorist attacks in the UK.


June 10-17 | Kevin attending Lausanne Movement meetings in Germany.

June 18 | Luis preaches at Crossroads Church in Vancouver, WA.

June 25-27 | Luis, Andrew, and Kevin help lead a national conference for evangelists and church leaders in Chicago, IL.

End of June | An evangelistic rally and whatever else the Lord may open in Nantucket, Massachusetts

Venezuela | Political tensions are high. The youth conference has been postponed so Andrew will not be going there this month. It is tentatively rescheduled for July 7-8, 2018.


Please open and pray for the people/events in more detail from our regional prayer requests:

Africa | Gita Santangelo & Dana Iverson | Report

Asia | Connie Luebke & Gail Link | Report

North America | Vicky Burgess & Michelle Palau | Report

Europe | Caryn Ogle & Kim Grimberg | Report

Central & South America | Kheri Schaar & Janet Cabascango | Report

Caribbean | Debbie Jamison & Glenda Kraus | Report


Please forward this email to your praying friends and invite them to join us. They can sign up at www.nationalprayerteam.org to receive future emails and prayer requests. If it helps, print out the requests and keep them in a spot where you’ll remember to pray. (It helps me!)


Thank you for being the key to opening doors through prayer for Luis and Andrew and the team as they proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of the world!