“Lord, teach us to pray….So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Luke 11:1, 9
Dear Praying Friends,
May 4th was National Day of Prayer. Our National Women’s Prayer Team regional leaders came together that day from around the country to meet and pray together, live and in person at the Luis Palau Association headquarters in Portland, Oregon. We were a TASK force (Together, Asking, Seeking, Knocking) for His will to be done in and through the Palau team.
In Luke 11, Jesus himself taught His disciples to pray. Those lessons are for us as well, for we are also his disciples.
Why did Jesus pray?
- To be an example for us.
- In His human nature, it’s a natural thing to do.
- As part of the Trinity, it is a way to communicate between themselves.
Jesus prayed for others (intercessory), and with others. He prayed alone, in nature, regularly, as a sprinter and as a marathoner.
His prayers were heartfelt, in knowledge of God and the Scriptures. His prayers were persistent and full of expectation, looking to the will of His Father, not His own.
We are called to pray in the same manner. Let us be his TASK force . . . together, asking, seeking, knocking . . . for His will and in His perfect timing.
Asking Seeking, Knocking with you,
Gail Stockamp
Portland, OR | On May 4th, 420 friends attended a FUNdraising dinner event supporting, encouraging and praying for LPA
Grand Rapids, MI | Praise for a great kickoff breakfast where more than 300 pastors and leaders gathered for a future festival in 2018
Estes Park, CO | May 15-17 Kevin Palau and a handful of national leaders gathered together for a National City Gospel Movement Retreat.
May 22-29 | Andrew shares the Good News at several outreach events in the UK.
May 23-25 | Luis speaks at a Bible conference on the Oregon Coast.
June 10-15 | Kevin attends Lausanne Movement Meetings in Germany.
June 18 | Luis preaches at Crossroads Church in Vancouver, WA.
June 25-27 | Luis, Andrew, and Kevin help lead a national conference for evangelists and church leaders in Chicago, IL.
Please open and pray for the people/events in more detail from our regional prayer requests:
Africa | Gita Santangelo & Dana Iverson | Report
Asia | Connie Luebke & Gail Link | Report
North America | Vicky Burgess & Michelle Palau | Report
Europe | Caryn Ogle & Kim Grimberg | Report
Central & South America | Kheri Schaar & Janet Cabascango | Report
Caribbean | Debbie Jamison & Glenda Kraus | Report
Please forward this email to your praying friends and invite them to join us. They can sign up at www.nationalprayerteam.org to receive future emails and prayer requests. If it helps, print out the requests and keep them in a spot where you’ll remember to pray. (It helps me!)
Thank you for being a part of our “TASK" prayer force for Luis and Andrew and the team as proclaim Jesus Christ’s Good News to the people of the world, so that they may believe in Him and live with Him for eternity.