March 2018 Update



“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see… and without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:1,6).

Dear Praying Friends,

Each of us have faith. Faith is putting our trust and confidence in Jesus. Believing He truly is the Son of God and our Savior! Faith is a gift from our loving God that He uses to bring salvation to all people. And what a joy to see God use Luis, Andrew and our NGA evangelists to share this faith with so many.

The Bible is full of wonderful examples of how faith produces miracles and how a lack of faith produces nothing. Even Jesus could not perform many miracles in Nazareth because the people there lacked faith (Matthew 13:58).  After seeing many of Jesus’ miracles firsthand, his disciples still didn’t understand (a form of a lack of faith) because their hearts were hardened (Mark 6:52) and they didn’t transfer the truth about Jesus to their own lives. 

Sadly, I think that is still true today.

Once we have the faith that God can accomplish the seemingly impossible, we need to combine our faith with prayer. God can do anything when we have faith and when our requests are aligned with His will. Without prayer, the power of faith is limited as shown in Mark 9:14 – 29 when the disciples could not understand why they could not cast the demon out of the boy. Jesus responded by saying that “this kind can come out only by prayer.”

I pray that we will all have a faith that is empowered by prayer!  

I pray that we will have a heart that is soft and motivated with God’s interests in mind. I pray that we will confidently know that difficult situations can be resolved only through prayer!

Please pray with me in God’s will to have the faith to unleash God’s healing power and work a miracle in Luis’ body for complete healing! Pray that the LPA ministry will persevere in God’s will, taking advantage of the many amazing open doors, and using the power of the Holy Spirit to love and serve others. Please open the below reports to see how LPA is reaching our world in faith for the Gospel.  

Walking in Faith in Jesus with You,

Gail Stockamp

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24).


Please open and pray for the people and events represented:  

  • Africa | Preparing the church body for Abidjan | Report
  • Asia | Blessing over a new Easter book and trip to Beijing | Report
  • North America | Newly launched City Gospel Movement website and upcoming festivals in Oregon and Michigan | Report
  • Europe | Upcoming opportunities UK and Romania | Report
  • Central & South America | Looking forward to Colombia, March for Jesus, and a personal message from Luis | Report
  • Caribbean | Continued prayers for islands devastated by storms, and potential Cuba opportunity | Report


  • Luis’ last chemo treatment was yesterday. Next he will get new scans to see if the chemo has been effective. We praise God he’s handled the treatments well with minimal side effects. Please pray that the medicines were effective and that the Lord has completely healed him! Pray for encouragement for Luis and Pat as they navigate this medical world and are a witness to those they encounter. Pray for Luis’ ongoing strength, for clarity, and focus for his time as he works on a new book as well as new radio programs. 
  • A movie has been in the works on the life on Luis and is in its final editing stages, to be released later this year. Please pray that it be well received and that God will be glorified.
  • Rejoice with us over a successful and packed Pastor’s conference in Bogotá, Colombia last month.
  • Rejoice with us over a successful RE:NEW Gathering recently where Andrew and Francis Chan spoke in Grand Rapids, Michigan to over 7,000 people from 700 churches! 
  • Pray for upcoming festivals in Brazil, Colombia, and throughout the U.S.
  • Additionally, please pray for the City Gospel Movements and multiple Next Generation Alliance evangelist events happening worldwide as well as the Good News being shared by these teams through TV and radio programs.  


Please forward this email to your praying friends and invite them to join us. They can sign up at to receive future emails and prayer requests. If it helps, print out the requests and keep them in a spot where you’ll remember to pray. (It helps me!)


Thank you for joining us in prayer, in faith, trusting in our Lord for all things.  

Your prayers are coveted for Luis as he battles cancer and we ask Jesus for complete healing of his body. Andrew and the rest of the Palau team need your prayers too as they, with Luis, continue to proclaim the Gospel!

"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6-7)