Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you again for your involvement in praying for the Palau CityServe/Fest in NYC. We are excited to share what God is doing as HIS plans unfold. The region of New Jersey now has a group of core churches that are reaching out to 10-15 other churches in their area for the purpose of getting them involved in CityServe. Let’s pray that the leadership of these churches would catch the vision and enthusiastically bring their congregations to participate.
Points of Prayer:
• The team has set an amazing goal for the month of February. They are calling for 8,000 volunteers to participate in a CityServe project that would serve the poorer areas of New Jersey. Let’s pray that the volunteers would come and that finances for such a large project would be available. Let’s pray that this need is abundantly met, more than we could ask or think. Also we pray for clarity in direction on smaller evangelistic outreaches in New Jersey in the Spring of 2015.
• New Jersey will be holding a Re:New Conference on February 10th with Luis, Francis Chan, and worship led by Passion. This Re:New Conference will also be held in Bronx, Manhattan and Brooklyn on consecutive nights. Let’s pray for a mighty moving of God’s Spirit during these meetings.
• Above all, we ask for an overpowering burden on Christian’s hearts for the lost of New Jersey and the whole New York area. What an opportunity God is giving for many to come into a relationship with HIM. The team is working hard, thank you for your continued prayers.
Diane Gluskin
Mid-Southwest Region praying for New Jersey