April Update

Hello Again, Prayers for New Jersey and the whole Palau Team!

There are less than 100 days to go until the weekend of July 11th and CENTRAL PARK.  Amazing, not only that it is so close, but also that so much is happening with the Palau Team in NY and the Tri-State area.  This weekend alone, Luis Palau spoke at West Point Academy and also at the Christian Cultural Center (CCC) with Dr A.R. Bernard, the largest church in the NY area.  Praise God with us for both of these events and His anointing on Luis as he brought the truth of the Gospel to over 500 West Point cadets and thousands of NY citizens. The Holy Spirit filled these places of worship and drew people to Himself!
This week Andrew Palau hosts a week of prison outreaches.  The main focus is Riker’s Island which includes several different facilities and about 17,000 inmates.  Please pray for God’s divine protection on Andrew and that the passion he feels for God’s redeeming love will be well communicated to these prisoners.  We pray for hundreds of lives to be transformed, that "they will know the Truth and the Truth will set them free”.
Wendy Palau was in NY this past week making plans for a major women’s event in Manhattan on May 1st.  Please pray for all the logistics, that women will get excited and invite friends to hear about life in Jesus.  Wendy has asked that we pray for her presentation that it is powerful, Spirit-led, and that it touches hearts.
The publicity campaign has had a good start and soon the ads will be on bus exteriors and signs.  Also a package has been secured with NBC to have ads for the month of June.  Specifically now there will be spots on Jimmy Fallon and Ellen - with more to come.  How exciting!!  Also the team is working with Telemondo Media, NY Times and Fox News Radio for promotion.  Advertising is key in getting people aware, repeatedly, of the events.  Please pray that God empowers this advertising process; that it is widespread and of excellence and that people will be drawn to attend the main events.
Friday evening, 4/24, Andrew will be holding a huge Youth Night on Staten Island.  Andrew’s story is so appealing to youth, let’s pray for Andrew as he finishes his week of speaking at the prisons and then speaks to youth. Pray that the Father strengthens and empowers Andrew, that he remains healthy and encouraged as he sees God’s transforming work in all of these settings.
Specifically for New Jersey, there are many outreach events being planned.  Locations so far are Bergen, Clinton, Ocean Grove and Paterson.  As the details become more secure I’ll email you again so we can support all of these in prayer.  On June 27th there will be a major outreach in Elizabeth, NJ.  Twenty-two pastors are involved with this event and the setting will be the steps of City Hall plus the park across the street.  Even now there are plans to teach 10,000 counselors to mingle in the crowds and be ready to lead people to personal faith in Jesus.  On June 15th seven churches will be starting the counselor training.  Lord, we ask you to raise up these 10,000 people with a heart of passion to be equipped to lead step by step into a relationship with You.  Thank you LORD!!

What God is doing in the New York area is amazing.  There is so much to follow.  The NWPT monthly newsletter includes a daily calendar of events and prayer points.  It’s very profitable to print it out so you are daily reminded of how to pray for God’s amazing work in the Tri-State area.  
Blessings and gratitude to all of you as you faithfully pray for the Palau events in New Jersey and the New York area.  We are privileged to be part of God’s extravagant work.  I’ll be sending more frequent emails as the Festival gets closer and outreaches more frequent.  

    Diane Gluskin
    NWPT from Mid-South States

March Update

 Keep Levi Park in your prayers this month. See below for more prayer requests.


Keep Levi Park in your prayers this month. See below for more prayer requests.

Dear Prayers from Mid-South States Praying for New Jersey,

What a joy it is to be on the LORD’s side, agreeing together, partnering with fellow believers, and praying for God to do abundant things, more than we even ask.  Thank you for praying for the Feed the Need project during the cold week of February 16th.  What a success that huge endeavor was.  Steve Sargent, the director of Feed the Need, wrote the following about the event:

The challenges we experienced at Feed the Need were fairly bizarre and significant, but NOTHING that our great KING can’t handle. We had two snowstorms, temps below 0, forklifts that wouldn’t start, trucking confusion, people passing out/vomiting and a giant bat flying around in our packing area!  I don’t say this to complain, but to rejoice in the truth that the gates of hell will not prevail and nothing, absolutely nothing can stop our great God from doing or allowing what pleases Him!  Surely, the body of Christ locking arms in unity to accomplish such a huge outpouring of His love.  

As I am writing this on Sunday, 3/15, there is a youth event being held this evening in Hamilton, NJ for youth.  Tonight is the final evening of a three night youth rally in different parts of the city and 4000 youth are expected to attend in total.  Andrew Palau, Chris Durso and Danny Sanabria are the speakers, challenging youth to surrender their lives to the Lord and lay down the harming habits that are damaging their lives.  Friday and Saturday nights were amazing with many young people committing their lives to the Lord.  We pray that tonight is the same, we pray that the Holy Spirit would powerfully open the eyes of the youth of NJ, woo and move them to trust in the Lord’s saving grace!

Please continue to pray for New Jersey through this month as the leaders continue to formulate outreach plans and sites.  Specifically, outreaches are hopeful in the towns of Elizabeth, Clinton, Ocean Grove, Patterson, and Suffolk County.  We pray that God would direct and bring key people to lead and participate in these outreaches.  Pray also for Raul Burgos, the New Jersey co-ordinator, that God would fill him with joy, endurance, and enthusiasm as he leads.

Thank you for holding the unfolding plans of New Jersey before our Father.

Pray blessings and joy to all of you.
Diane Gluskin
Regional Prayer Coordinator for the Southern Midwest

For This City Update: Since I first wrote this prayer update For This City New Jersey has taken place and GOD WAS EVIDENT! 1350 young people gathered at Hawthorne Gospel Chapel for the final evening of For This City events.  It was an encouraging and powerful evening of ministry. Hundreds of youth have been challenged and many have given their hearts to the Lord and renewed their commitment. They were all challenged to recognize their place in the advancement of the Kingdom, as a result of freedom and grace given through Jesus Christ! Thank you for praying.


February Update

Hello Again to the Palau Members praying for New Jersey,

February is and will continue to be a very busy month in New Jersey for the Palau organization.  The team appreciates so much knowing you are praying for them. 

The New Jersey team is partnering with a church called South Ridge Community Church in Clinton, NJ for a major project called Feed the Need.  This is a city/serve project that has 8000 volunteers over four days (Feb 16-21) putting together 2 million care boxes for Liberians who are suffering from crop shortages due to the Ebola crisis.  There is much to pray about. There needs to be an additional $120,000 raised to support the project.  In addition the team is asking that you pray for these many volunteers; for health, protection, and joy.  Above all, please pray that the event would be a catalyst to spark revival, not only in Clinton, but in every town from which the volunteers come.

There are many local outreaches that are currently being considered that will fall in the spring leading up to the Palau festival in June.  Please pray for wisdom and unity as the team works with local ministers and civic leaders.  Our desire is that God would move powerfully in New Jersey in these events, that spiritual renewal would be so evident across north Jersey, that many would come to know Jesus as their Savior and many renew their walk with the Lord.  To God be the Glory!!!  

Beth Moore wrote on her blog earlier this month a powerful message.  Here is part of her inspirational message, which is for all of us, for "such a time as this!"

We've got to pray. We've got to become people of prayer. We've got to press in much further and believe God to be much bigger. We've got to cease letting prayer be our weakest spiritual discipline. We've got to step up and wield the sword of the spirit in relentless intercession. We've got to go further than we've gone before. Press harder. Dig our knees deeper. We will not live bolder than we pray. There are parts of our callings, works of the Holy Spirit, and defeats of the darkness that will come no other way than furious, fervent, faith filled prayer.

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him."  Hebrews 11:8

May God reward You for your earnest prayers on behalf of New Jersey!

Diane Gluskin
Mid-Southern States


January Update

Hello Praying Saints,

It is so wonderful to be praying with over 1000 people across our country in a united effort for the Palau New York Festival!!!  It is God’s work that we are seeing unfold.  God’s intentions, God’s plans, and God’s will is being imparted to the Palau Team, and we are partnering with them in our prayers to see these dreams come to fruition.  It’s AMAZING and so exciting!!

Already we are seeing God answer so many prayers, doors are opening up and people are getting on board.  In New Jersey, Levi Park (our Church Director, on the ground in NYC/NJ) has said many opportunities are opening up and he has asked for wisdom to make the right choices.  Please join in praying for the location and times for regional evangelistic outreaches throughout the Spring.  There are many groups being considered for these for smaller outreaches:  women’s, youth, businesses, and neighborhoods are all possibilities.  We pray that God would give clarity as these outreach settings are formed.  And we pray that many would meet Jesus for the first time or renew their relationship with the Lord through these outreaches. 

The New Jersey team is also in the midst of choosing an agency for advertising the Palau events.  Let’s pray that the right agency is chosen and their work is excellent.  Pray that the public would see many advertisements for upcoming events and that New Jersey would be well saturated with advertisement both in print and on the radio. 

There are also two special dates that we are praying for.  On Feb 10 in Wayne, NJ, the first of the four day Re:New Conferences will be launched.  Luis Palau and Francis Chan will be speaking and Passion will be leading in praise.  We pray that the Lord moves mightily, bringing throngs of people to be refreshed and revived by the Good News.  We pray for all four evenings of Re:New Conference, each night in a different location.  Lord, have your way in people’s lives and may they come running to meet their Savior and be passionate about living out Your love.  

The next special date is Feb 16-20 in Clinton, NJ where the Palau team is planning a major city/serve event to feed the homeless.  We ask the Lord to provide all their needs: volunteers, finances, food, location, even favorable weather to minister these four days.  Already they have 3000 volunteers but they are asking for many more.

We finally pray that God would strengthen and protect the Palau team working in New Jersey, that the Joy of the LORD would be their STRENGTH!

Thank you for praying with us,
Diane Gluskin
Leader of Southern-Midwest States

December Update

Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you again for your involvement in praying for the Palau CityServe/Fest in NYC.  We are excited to share what God is doing as HIS plans unfold.  The region of New Jersey now has a group of core churches that are reaching out to 10-15 other churches in their area for the purpose of getting them involved in CityServe.  Let’s pray that the leadership of these churches would catch the vision and enthusiastically bring their congregations to participate. 

Points of Prayer:

•    The team has set an amazing goal for the month of February.  They are calling for 8,000 volunteers to participate in a CityServe project that would serve the poorer areas of New Jersey.  Let’s pray that the volunteers would come and that finances for such a large project would be available.  Let’s pray that this need is abundantly met, more than we could ask or think.  Also we pray for clarity in direction on smaller evangelistic outreaches in New Jersey in the Spring of 2015.  
•    New Jersey will be holding a Re:New Conference on February 10th with Luis, Francis Chan, and worship led by Passion.  This Re:New Conference will also be held in Bronx, Manhattan and Brooklyn on consecutive nights.  Let’s pray for a mighty moving of God’s Spirit during these meetings.  
•    Above all, we ask for an overpowering burden on Christian’s hearts for the lost of New Jersey and the whole New York area.  What an opportunity God is giving for many to come into a relationship with HIM.  The team is working hard, thank you for your continued prayers.

Diane Gluskin
Mid-Southwest Region praying for New Jersey

November Update

Hello Again,

God is mobilizing and moving in hearts as the NY CityServe & CityFest has been launched and more than 11,000 people across the country are praying for the New York City. Our region has been assigned to pray for New Jersey. We are praying for the location for the Festival in the Summer of 2015. The request was submitted November 1st for a Saturday in Central Park in June: there is also a request for Flushing Meadows for two consecutive days in July. We are praying for the LORD’s leading as to which is HIS will, possibly both could be HIS pleasure. Please pray for guidance in this crucial decision.

New Jersey has launched its CityServe initiative.  The core churches that have taken an active role will be reaching the 10-15 local churches in their area in the hopes of recruiting them for CityServe projects. They will be serving their communities for the next six months leading up to the Festival. Please pray for vision and unity among the leaders of these churches in serving their communities and being the hands of Jesus in meeting vital needs.

There is hope of recruiting 8000 volunteers among these churches to serve 2 million meals to the needy of NJ in February.  Please pray for willingness and enthusiasm plus contributions to meet this request.

Levi Park, the Palau director of the NJ Team, has asked that we pray for unity among the team and among pastors of different denominations.  He has also asked for vision as the team is planning the smaller outreaches through the Winter and Spring of 2015.  Not everyone will be able to attend the Festival in the Summer, but many will attend specific outreaches focusing on specific groups. Please pray for direction as the team sets plans in motion.  We also pray for unity among the team and pastors as they envision God’s direction for what’s to come.

And above all, we pray for an overpowering burden for the lost of NJ and the NY area.  We pray that God would lay upon the hearts of ministers and lay people an urgency to pray for the lost in their communities, an urgency that causes people to pray passionately, boldly, and effectively.

Thank you for being part of the National Women’s Pray Team, it is a privilege for us to pray for God’s mighty move in the leading city in our country, possibly the world.

Praying with you,

Diane Gluskin

Dallas, TX   


October Update

After a great launch, the New Jersey team is in the process of conducting church consultation 
meetings over the next 6-8 weeks. These consultations consist of core churches who are
on board convening the 10-15 churches in their immediate area and giving them the opportunity to partner in NY CityServe & CityFest. This is crucial to the process. 

Here are some prayer requests: 

  • For the New Jersey team: Jim Bushoven, Raul Bargos, Jinu Thomas, Ryan Faison, Maria Cortez, Leigh Platt-Gonzales, Steve Sargent, and Mark Avery.
  • A spirit of unity among the churches.
  • Overbearing burden for the lost in New Jersey.
  • Wisdom.
  • Direction on which regional outreaches to conduct in New Jersey

September Update

Dear Prayer Warriors,

It is my prayer that you have had a wonderful summer filled with rest, refreshment, and time with family. It’s been a busy season for the Palau team, with festivals in both Alaska and Jamaica. We’ve also been building our prayer team, and are so grateful you have joined us! God is amazing and He is at work in and through us! As we pray, our faith grows.  

“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

As we pray and grow in faith this autumn, let's keep NY CityServe & CityFest in our prayers, and watch as God moves mountains!


Nearly 5,000 people came together for a youth outreach in Long Island on August 20. Praise and worship events have taken place over the last 4 years, but this was the first time the Gospel was proclaimed and people were asked to make a decision for Christ. Trained counselors were hardworking, and full of faith and wisdom as they prayed with those who made decisions for Christ. We rejoice in these new lives changed for eternity!


September 23

The official NY CityServe launch is taking place at Calvary Baptist the morning of September 23rd.  Lord willing, we are praying for a full house with a minimum of 600 churches, pastors, and leaders in attendance. The first local fundraising event is also taking place that evening.  Please pray for all tables to be hosted and filled with the right business leaders and also for a great response.

LPA Staff

  • Favor for the Palau team and church relations team as we mobilize people for NY CityServe.
  • LPA staff who have moved to NYC.
  • Three strong candidates for admin positions.
  • For strong communication between our Latin and English speaking teams.
  • Protection for every member of the team working on this campaign.
  • Wisdom for Luis and all those taking part in preparing for the outreach events.

Local NYC

  • Venue location(s) and dates.
  • For churches not yet engaged to come on board. 
  • Every ministry in NYC to be aware of and engaged in NY CityServe and CityFest.


Invite your family and friends to join the NWPT and keep fanning the flame! We’d love to see 1,000 team members praying for NYC by the September 23rd launch. We are grateful for each and every member to date! Encourage your friends and family to join. Every new member will receive a FREE prayer journal. 


Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next monthly national prayer call taking place the second Tuesday of every month. These times have been really special and inspiring. We hope you can join us!

September 9th | 1PM Pacific, 3PM Central, 4PM Eastern

To access the call: call (712) 432-1212, enter Mtg ID: 931-416-121#


Follow the National Women's Prayer Team on Facebook and Twitter for spiritual encouragement, prayer requests, and devotionals. Follow NY CityServe & CityFest for the latest campaign updates on Facebook and Twitter.