Keep Randy Burtis in your prayers this month. See below for more prayer requests.
Ladies, I am so pleased to share with you about what is has been happening in CT this past month. God tells us to share the Gospel to all! This is what the Palau team has been doing in CT, as they continue to get ready for the NYC Festival. In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus tells his disciples, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Praise: Since the great launch in January at the annual prayer summit, five cities in Connecticut are now meeting regularly to plan how to best serve their communities and proclaim the gospel in unity. Active pastor groups are meeting and praying in Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport, New Haven, and New London. In each of these locations they are reaching out to smaller surrounding towns and involving those churches as well. Some groups are just getting started and others are already becoming focused on what God is calling them to do. School partnerships, at risk youth, and human trafficking are areas that have risen to the top of the priority list. One network of churches has adopted two tenement projects.
Pray: That conversations with city leaders over the next 2-3 weeks will be met with openness and that church leaders will speak with wisdom from God.
Pray: For the communities that are newer to the conversation & mission of CT CityServe/CityFest to quickly form strong relationships and discern where God is directing them.
Pray: For the possibility of a Re:New conference in Connecticut on 5/12. Ask God to open doors to the perfect venue so plans can move forward.
Pray: For wisdom as a neighborhood festival is being considered in inner city Bridgeport and evangelistic luncheons are being talked about in Fairfield and New Canaan.
Thank you for standing in the gap and praying for all these matters as the momentum of God’s hand moves deeper into the hearts of many in CT.
Gail Link
Regional Prayer Coordinator for the Northeast