April Update

Ladies, time is growing close to our July 11th Big Event.  However, many things are happening before this Big Event.  God has blessed us with so many people stepping forward to help share the Gospel. Daily the Good News is being proclaimed and those who love Jesus are serving their communities in the name of Jesus! Continue to pray with us as we ask the Spirit to continue moving; drawing people closer and preparing the harvest for reaping!

Thank God for moving in Bridgeport, CT - Connecticut’s largest city - officially launched CT CityFest on April 14th.  Please intercede for this group of pastors as they ramp up for a festival with Luis Palau, with only 60 days to prepare for a local festival on June 6th.

Praise God we now have leadership teams in place for three evangelistic meal events throughout Connecticut.

Please pray for the leadership that will be planning the outreach luncheon on May 28th at the Trumbull Marriott.  Pray for the table hosts and a great turnout as the goal is for many to hear the Gospel of Jesus and respond.

Prayers are needed for a men’s breakfast outreach that is in the planning stages.  We need a venue and date.

Please pray for a men’s event with Andrew Palau that will take place on April 25th in Wilton, CT with 200 men.

Thank you ladies for partnering with the National Women’s Prayer Team as we pray for the people to come on board to help make NY City Area hear the Good News of Christ!


Gail Link
Northeast Region
National Women’s Prayer Team

March Update

 Keep Randy Burtis in your prayers this month. See below for more prayer requests.


Keep Randy Burtis in your prayers this month. See below for more prayer requests.


Ladies, I am so pleased to share with you about what is has been happening in CT this past month.  God tells us to share the Gospel to all!  This is what the Palau team has been doing in CT, as they continue to get ready for the NYC Festival.  In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus tells his disciples, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Praise:  Since the great launch in January at the annual prayer summit, five cities in Connecticut are now meeting regularly to plan how to best serve their communities and proclaim the gospel in unity.  Active pastor groups are meeting and praying in Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport, New Haven, and New London.  In each of these locations they are reaching out to smaller surrounding towns and involving those churches as well.   Some groups are just getting started and others are already becoming focused on what God is calling them to do.  School partnerships, at risk youth, and human trafficking are areas that have risen to the top of the priority list.  One network of churches has adopted two tenement projects.

Pray: That conversations with city leaders over the next 2-3 weeks will be met with openness and that church leaders will speak with wisdom from God.
Pray: For the communities that are newer to the conversation & mission of CT CityServe/CityFest to quickly form strong relationships and discern where God is directing them.

Pray: For the possibility of a Re:New conference in Connecticut on 5/12. Ask God to open doors to the perfect venue so plans can move forward.

Pray: For wisdom as a neighborhood festival is being considered in inner city Bridgeport and evangelistic luncheons are being talked about in Fairfield and New Canaan.

Thank you for standing in the gap and praying for all these matters as the momentum of God’s hand moves deeper into the hearts of many in CT.

Gail Link
Regional Prayer Coordinator for the Northeast

February Update


I come to you today with a humble heart, telling you how blessed we have been over this past month.  God has given the New York City Area many Re:New meetings with thousands of people hearing and being refreshed with the Good News of Christ so they can encourage others to come alongside them for the New York CityServe/CityFest.

We praise God specifically for our Connecticut Launch that was a success, as nearly 100 pastors from 20 cities heard Luis and Kevin cast the vision for CT CityServe. Those in attendance were enthusiastic and we pray that they cast the vision to other pastors and churches in various communities around the state.

We also praise God for the healing of Randy Burtis, our Regional Area Director in Connecticut, after a sudden tear in his retina led to emergency surgery. Another praise is that we now have strong working groups in the CT cities of Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport and New London. We ask for prayer for clarity as these groups look for ways to serve to together (these cities are not far apart) and to share Christ in their communities.

We also need prayer for potential new groups in three to four other communities where various pastors and leaders are trying to attract others to supporting the 2015 Palau events for our area.

Thank you ladies for partnering with the National Women’s Prayer team as we pray for people to participate in helping make the entire New York City Area hear the Good News of Christ!

Beth Moore wrote on her blog earlier this month a powerful message.  Here is part of her inspirational message, which is for all of us, for "such a time as this!"

"We've got to pray.  We've got to become people of prayer.  We've got to press in much further and believe God to be much bigger. We've got to cease letting prayer be our weakest spiritual discipline.  We've got to step up and wield the sword of the spirit in relentless intercession.  We've got to go further than we've gone before.  Press harder.  Dig our knees deeper.  We will not live bolder than we pray.  There are parts of our callings, works of the Holy Spirit, and defeats of the darkness that will come no other way than furious, fervent, faith filled prayer."

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him."  Hebrews 11:8

May God reward You for your earnest prayers on behalf of Connecticut!


Gail Link

January Update

Dear Ladies, 

I come before you with our January update from the northeast region. We are blessed to have had on January 20th the official launch of CT CityServe CityFest. Local pastors were invited to the launch to show their enthusiasm and involvement for the months to come. We had such a response that our venue had a capacity of 85 and they needed to find more room! 

We pray that all those in attendance will passionately grasp all that God wants to do in Connecticut in 2015 and join together in unity to be a part. I look forward to updating you more in our next letter as this event is part of a Pastor’s Prayer Summit. Pastors from the region gathered for 3 days of praying together. Oh, how the Lord will be glorified in this time! We ask you to pray for unity among the pastors during this unique opportunity to serve the people of Connecticut.

As we move closer to the festival in New York City we pray for revival among complacent Christians, that they would be reminded of the power of the Gospel. As the months move forward we will continue to call upon the Lord as a body of believers to draw people in the New York/Connecticut area to Him. 


Gail Link
Northeast Regional Prayer Leader

December Update

I come before you today to share with you all the things that have been happening in Connecticut this past month and what to pray for going forward. 
Jesus we know you have a plan for the Palau New York Festival so we come before you and pray that each event and gathering brings people closer to You!!!

Last month there were several gathering to try and get pastors together in Eastern Connecticut. They had their first regional outreach and were able to minister to seven schools, some group homes and hosted a gathering of 500 teenagers where Andrew Palau shared the message of Jesus. 83 teenagers made a decision to follow Jesus after hearing Andrew, and many more were drawn closer to Him throughout events of the entire week! We are so thankful to all the people that are taking time to make all this happen.

This month the Palau Team is working toward having an official launch of NY CityServe & City Fest that will take place in Norwalk, January 20th. I ask you to pray for good attendance and openness for those who will attend. Pray also as people work together toward this launch. We need God's leadership team to come together to oversee a pastoral oversight committee.

As I close I ask that you also pray for our Church Relational Director, Randy Burtis, as he works with pastors and churches around Connecticut and solidifies local leadership to help facilitate the sharing of the Gospel.

Blessings to you this Christmas Season,
Gail Link
Northeast Regional Prayer Coordinator

November Update

We praise God for the CityFest that is off and running in Connecticut. The team at Faith ministries have been working with Palau in several eastern Connecticut communities putting pastors together to serve those communities.

Churches in east Connecticut had their first regional outreach. They visited 7 schools and trained youth to evangelize. The event culminated with American Idol Season 6 finalist Phil Stacey performing and Andrew Palau sharing the Gospel with more than 500 teenagers. 83 made a decision to follow Christ! Many others also accepted Christ through other outreaches throughout the week. We pray that as these people grow and learn more that this movement will multiply and have an impact on the festival in New York!


October Update

Dear Jesus,

We are humbled before to ask you to listen to our prayers and concerns about our upcoming 
festival in New York. We praise you for the strong groups we have in Connecticut that are eager to be a part of NY Cityserve & Cityfest. We ask for prayer for key leaders in Fairfield, 
Connecticut who are praying about serving on our leadership team. We pray for our first 
regional outreach that will take place the week of November 7th where Andrew will speak after many events to go on the week before. We pray for a key meeting that Kevin and Randy have with pastors in Danbury and New Haven in mid-November. Thank you Lord for what you have done and will do in this area of the nation!!!


September Update

Dear Prayer Warriors,

It is my prayer that you have had a wonderful summer filled with rest, refreshment, and time with family. It’s been a busy season for the Palau team, with festivals in both Alaska and Jamaica. We’ve also been building our prayer team, and are so grateful you have joined us! God is amazing and He is at work in and through us! As we pray, our faith grows.  

“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

As we pray and grow in faith this autumn, let's keep NY CityServe & CityFest in our prayers, and watch as God moves mountains!


Nearly 5,000 people came together for a youth outreach in Long Island on August 20. Praise and worship events have taken place over the last 4 years, but this was the first time the Gospel was proclaimed and people were asked to make a decision for Christ. Trained counselors were hardworking, and full of faith and wisdom as they prayed with those who made decisions for Christ. We rejoice in these new lives changed for eternity!


September 23

The official NY CityServe launch is taking place at Calvary Baptist the morning of September 23rd.  Lord willing, we are praying for a full house with a minimum of 600 churches, pastors, and leaders in attendance. The first local fundraising event is also taking place that evening.  Please pray for all tables to be hosted and filled with the right business leaders and also for a great response.

LPA Staff

  • Favor for the Palau team and church relations team as we mobilize people for NY CityServe.
  • LPA staff who have moved to NYC.
  • Three strong candidates for admin positions.
  • For strong communication between our Latin and English speaking teams.
  • Protection for every member of the team working on this campaign.
  • Wisdom for Luis and all those taking part in preparing for the outreach events.

Local NYC

  • Venue location(s) and dates.
  • For churches not yet engaged to come on board. 
  • Every ministry in NYC to be aware of and engaged in NY CityServe and CityFest.


Invite your family and friends to join the NWPT and keep fanning the flame! We’d love to see 1,000 team members praying for NYC by the September 23rd launch. We are grateful for each and every member to date! Encourage your friends and family to join. Every new member will receive a FREE prayer journal. 


Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next monthly national prayer call taking place the second Tuesday of every month. These times have been really special and inspiring. We hope you can join us!

September 9th | 1PM Pacific, 3PM Central, 4PM Eastern

To access the call: call (712) 432-1212, enter Mtg ID: 931-416-121#


Follow the National Women's Prayer Team on Facebook and Twitter for spiritual encouragement, prayer requests, and devotionals. Follow NY CityServe & CityFest for the latest campaign updates on Facebook and Twitter.