Dear Friends Praying in the Southwest,
When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9:36 is what came to mind when looking out onto the multitude of people gathered this weekend. At Times Square Luis shared from his heart of how quickly life changed when his father unexpectedly died after a brief illness, leaving him fatherless at age 10. On the Great Lawn of Central Park Luis spoke of many tragedies in life and the resulting brokenness and how Jesus can bind up the wounds.
Matthew 9:38 concludes the chapter by saying, "So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields." Thank you for praying to the Lord about sending workers to New York. 5,000 counselors were prepared for the harvest. The harvest was over 600 decisions to follow Jesus at Times Square; over 3,600 decisions were identified at Central Park. We rejoice in the harvest this weekend and know there will be more to celebrate in the future:
• A pastor from Madrid shared how Spain is the only European country where Christianity is growing and attributes the country's positive spiritual climate change to a festival held 10 years ago.
• Matt Redman (musicain and song writer, pictured below with Luis) is evidence of a life changed through a Palau crusade event in London 30 years ago.
I will send a summary update of all the fruit that came to bear within Brooklyn when it becomes available.
In closing, actor T. C. Stallings introduced an upcoming movie, "War Room - Prayer is a Powerful Weapon" at Times Square. It will be released in August. A quote from writer Andrew Murray is on the movie's website: "The one who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history."
Watch a wonderful video, by clicking here, for an overview of last week in NYC!
Thank you for your contribution! It has been a tremendous privilege to partner with each of you in prayer.