Dear Prayer Warriors of the Four Corner States,
This December let us begin by taking a deep breath, followed with a long, slow exhale; give yourself permission to take a moment to put down the shopping list and calendar, and stop reviewing the “things to do.” Let us … prepare ourselves for the Season…and for prayer. I would like you to gaze into the face of baby Jesus and ponder the significance of God coming to earth, to be birthed as a human. Take some time to ponder how life would be different had He not come; had you not received and believed. What about those who don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior?
“The Lord gives the word, and a great army brings the good news.” Psalms 68:11
The focus of our December national prayer conference call was for protection, utilizing the armor of God. As I sought the Lord He lead me to Isaiah 62:6 – “O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the lord.” That is you. That is me. That is us corporately…for our families, biological or spiritual, for our communities, for Brooklyn, for New York City, for our nation, for the world.
Praise and Thanksgiving
• Thankful “the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4
• Wendy Palau spoke at a Latino Women’s Luncheon, December 6, to over 500 women in Brooklyn. The following are some of her words summarizing the event: “There was a spirit of joy, celebration and expectation… As I shared our story of losing the babies and how God met us in that time... Many women cried. As I shared our adoption of Sadie, they celebrated! I also felt so compelled to share God’s love for them. Psalm 139:17 ...`how precious concerning me are your thoughts Oh God, how vast is the sum of them….’ As immigrant women, many who don't speak English, they often feel at the bottom of the pile here in the USA... But God reminded them that they are precious to Him! I believe many responded.”
• Thankful for our partnership with Concerts of Prayer in Greater New York (COPGNY) and New York City Intercessors (NYCI). COPGNY is a Christ-centered network of pastors and churches promoting a culture of prayer across ethnic, economic and denominational lines in the tri-state region. NYCI is a dynamic, multi-generational network of prayer warriors from various churches and ethnic backgrounds that have banded together, under apostolic and pastoral authority, to stand in the gap for New York City and the Nations with the vision to equip, train and mobilize the body of Christ for strategic, focused prayer for the purpose of seeing the Kingdom of God established here on earth as it is in Heaven.
Prayer Points
Ask for protection spiritually, relationally and physically (including health) of the following leaders and on behalf of their families. Pray they would have unspeakable joy this Christmas as they celebrate Christ’s birth; that they would walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, preparing the way for the lost to hear the Good News.
• Brooklyn Church Relations Director, Randy, who is also Connecticut Church Relations Director and LPA overseer of Prayer; he commutes from Washington State. Pray also for Brooklyn Church Relations Coordinators: Danny, Matt, Zach; and Brooklyn CityServe Regional Coordinator: Edwin.
• New York City Intercessor for Brooklyn, Joyce.
• Brooklyn Borough Pastoral Leadership Team: Jamaal Bernard of the Christian Cultural Center, Derek Devine of the Apostles Church Brooklyn, and Mullery Jean-Pierre of Beraca Baptist Church.
In the coming months pray for 1,000 Brooklyn pastors to:
• Gather in smaller groups to pray, seeking the Lord corporately on behalf of their communities;
• Hear God’s voice and see how to put hands and feet into acts of kindness so Christ’s banner of love will be clearly seen across the borough.
For it is God’s kindness that lead people to repentance. Romans 2:4
• Commit to plans, putting outreach events on calendars for the spring. Teachers’ luncheons and women’s luncheons in different locations are being considered.
Pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower them with inner strength through his Spirit so Christ will make his home in their hearts as they trust in Him. May their roots grow down into God’s love and keep them strong. And may they have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep is his love. May they experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then they will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God to see needs and meet them in their communities. Ephesians 3:16-19
Pray that an unquenchable fire to reach out to the lost and unite with the Body of Christ to fulfill her purpose would ignite within each attendee, to be carried back to their boroughs/regions, particularly Brooklyn, and transferred to their flock.
• NY/NJ CityServe has scheduled one evening Re:New conferences February 10-13, 2015, in four different locations with Luis, Francis Chan and Worship by Passion. Brooklyn Tabernacle will be host to one on February 13. Pray that every venue will be filled to capacity, that every person attending will have seeds of revival sown into their heart and in turn would be equipped to go and sow into others, that God’s great army would rise from these events to bring the Good News, saving captives and setting prisoners free, that the Lord who is in charge of the harvest would equip and send more workers into the fields for the harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest are people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! John 4:35-36
We have the awesome privilege of being a warrior, joining the armies of heaven on our knees as war is waged against the unseen armies of darkness in the heavenlies because the blood sacrificed by the sinless Christ has reconciled us to the Holy, Perfect One. Let us celebrate Matthew 16:18, “that all the powers of Hell will not conquer Christ’s church.”
In closing, “The virgin will give birth to a son, and he will be called Immanuel, `God with us.’” Imagine joining with the armies of heaven that appeared to the shepherds on the night Christ was born, but this time in song, praising God. Let us proclaim:
“Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
Connie Luebke
NWPT Southwest Regional Prayer Coordinator