August 27, 2014
Dear Prayer Warriors,
It is my prayer that you have had a wonderful summer filled with rest, refreshment, and time with family. It’s been a busy season for the Palau team, with festivals in both Alaska and Jamaica. We’ve also been building our prayer team, and are so grateful you have joined us! God is amazing and He is at work in and through us! As we pray, our faith grows.
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
As we pray and grow in faith this autumn, let's keep NY CityServe & CityFest in our prayers, and watch as God moves mountains!
Nearly 5,000 people came together for a youth outreach in Long Island on August 20. Praise and worship events have taken place over the last 4 years, but this was the first time the Gospel was proclaimed and people were asked to make a decision for Christ. Trained counselors were hardworking, and full of faith and wisdom as they prayed with those who made decisions for Christ. We rejoice in these new lives changed for eternity!
September 23
The official NY CityServe launch is taking place at Calvary Baptist the morning of September 23rd. Lord willing, we are praying for a full house with a minimum of 600 churches, pastors, and leaders in attendance. The first local fundraising event is also taking place that evening. Please pray for all tables to be hosted and filled with the right business leaders and also for a great response.
LPA Staff
- Favor for the Palau team and church relations team as we mobilize people for NY CityServe.
- LPA staff who have moved to NYC.
- Three strong candidates for admin positions.
- For strong communication between our Latin and English speaking teams.
- Protection for every member of the team working on this campaign.
- Wisdom for Luis and all those taking part in preparing for the outreach events.
Local NYC
- Venue location(s) and dates.
- For churches not yet engaged to come on board.
- Every ministry in NYC to be aware of and engaged in NY CityServe and CityFest.
Invite your family and friends to join the NWPT and keep fanning the flame! We’d love to see 1,000 team members praying for NYC by the September 23rd launch. We are grateful for each and every member to date! Encourage your friends and family to join. Every new member will receive a FREE prayer journal.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next monthly national prayer call taking place the second Tuesday of every month. These times have been really special and inspiring. We hope you can join us!
September 9th | 1PM Pacific, 3PM Central, 4PM Eastern
To access the call: call (712) 432-1212, enter Mtg ID: 931-416-121#
Follow the National Women's Prayer Team on Facebook and Twitter for spiritual encouragement, prayer requests, and devotionals. Follow NY CityServe & CityFest for the latest campaign updates on Facebook and Twitter.