April Update

Dear Praying Friends from the North,

Time is growing close to our July 11th Big Event.  However, many things are happening before that time. Daily the Good News is being proclaimed and those who love Jesus are serving their communities in the name of Jesus! Continue to pray with us as we ask the Spirit to continue moving; drawing people closer and preparing the harvest for reaping!

Praise God with us:
•    For the Easter Egg Hunt Outreach in the South Bronx with over 4,000 in attendance. LPA helped to host several Easter outreaches in the NYC area, between them over 11,000 people came and experienced the Gospel and the resurrection of Jesus Christ was celebrated!
•    For the progression of the advertising campaign for the Bronx and all of the Tri-State area. Praise Him for opening doors that were beyond imagination- including NBC, Telemondo, Fox News and 1000’s of Christian radio stations. 
•    For the unity among pastors and churches in the Bronx as they come together to share the Good News in their community.
•    For all of His people who joined to serve the community during the Lovign Our Neighbor campaign the end of March. Area shelters, parks & after school programs were blessed through the hard work of those participating.
•    For a new admin assistant for Levi hired last week.

Continue to Pray with us:

•    That the publicity launch, first week of May, will be a great success.  Many details still need to be taken care of.  Ask God to help all the details to come together and that people would get excited about wallpapering the city with invites to those who need to come to the different events.

•    For clarity, unity and direction in all regional outreaches among the teams and leadership. Specifically for the regional festival on June 6 at St. Mary’s.  Please pray for Gary Losey and Pedro Tabares who are leading this.

•    Pray for Luis as he is interviewed by the media in the next few weeks. 

•    That more pastors would be called to join in this amazing opportunity within the Bronx and for the church coordinators, Arabia and Efrain, who are working with these pastors. 

•    Continued unity among churches in the Bronx. 

Isaiah 64:4: “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye 
has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.”

Lord, we wait for you and continue to look forward to see your hand at work in NYC!

Nicole Furno 
Northern/Great Lakes Region
National Women’s Prayer Team


March Update

 Keep Levi Park in your prayers this month. See below for more prayer requests.


Keep Levi Park in your prayers this month. See below for more prayer requests.

Hello fellow prayer warriors,

We have lots to pray about this month on behalf of The Bronx and Levi Park!
This month the focus of our prayer has been on intercession. Would you believe me if I said you could reverse God's impending judgement? In Deuteronomy, Aaron disobeyed and made a gold calf for people to worship after God had given his commandment to worship no other gods. As a consequence, Aaron was going to be destroyed, but Moses prayed for him and he was spared. That is what happens when we intercede. As we pray for loved ones who don't know Christ as Savior and Lord, we are making definite petitions on behalf of definite persons with definite difficulties. The power and authority to reverse impending judgment comes not from our own righteousness, but solely on God's great love and determination. He is patient so no one will perish. Then He does the unthinkable, again, and gives us the awesome title of "royal priests!"

We have much to give thanks for:
1.    God called us out of the darkness into His wonderful light and gave us the awesome title of "royal priests."
2.    Hebrews 7:24-25 But because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.
3.    Praise God for February’s Re:New conferences in the Bronx & 3 other boroughs. Francis Chan, Luis Palau and the Passion Band challenged over 8,500 people to be "Re:New"ed; to deepen their walk with God, partner with fellow believers, and make an eternal difference in their homes and communities. 
4.    Praise God for this past week when 4000 youth were challenged with the reality of the Gospel and making a difference for Christ at the For This City events in 3 boroughs.
5.    Praise as Luis met with people from the Associated Press, Fox News and others last week. 

Pray with us:
1.    For the remainder of the advertising plan as it comes together.  Pray for favor, great opportunities, and for wise negotiations. Also, pray for creativity in messaging.
2.    Pray for the press release going out to the secular media regarding Central Park. May it be well received and draw people to these places where they can experience Jesus. Ask that God would open hearts of the mainstream media beginning now. 
3.    Pray for a new admin assistant for Levi, our Bronx Church Relations Director.
4.    Ask God for unity among churches in the Bronx. That the Holy Spirit would tear down attitudes of competition and dissension among pastors, drawing them together for greater Kingdom impact.
5.    Pray for the church coordinators, Arabia and Efrain. 
6.    Direction and wisdom for the upcoming regional outreaches in the Bronx.
7.    Pray for the details of the regional outreach on June 6 at St. Mary’s.
8.    Pray for an Easter Egg Hunt Outreach in the South Bronx.


February Update

Greetings Praying Women in the North!

We are blessed to join together in prayer for all God is doing in The Bronx! As we near spring, it is evident that great things are on the way. In fact, great things are already taking place. Thank you for your continued partnership in prayer. God’s Word assures us that as we pray, with one voice, one purpose and one Spirit, He responds! It is exciting to see and to be a part of this great Gospel Movement!

Please praise God with us for a wonderful Renew Conference in the Bronx on 2/11. The second of 5 Re:New meetings, the night in the Bronx was blessed with the Spirit of God as Luis & Francis Chan offered believers encouragement and renewal, while challenging them with the action the Gospel inspires- to spread the Good News!

Continue to praise God for the group of pastors that have committed to praying together each Wednesday morning. What a great example of unity!

Please pray for the following on behalf of Levi Park and the team in the Bronx:

  • Direction for a new administrative assistant as they interview people this week.
  • The advertising and Public Relations campaign. Praise for the PR agency that has been hired and ask God to use the avenue of media to inspire people to get involved and to come and hear the Good News proclaimed!
  • Ask God for increased momentum and passion for this Gospel movement among churches in the Bronx.
  • Lift up Bronx church coordinators: Arabia Veggacado and Efrain Alicea. 
  • Ask God to open the doors to provide for an Orchard Beach outreach for this summer.
  • Ask God to bless upcoming outreach opportunities at Riker’s Island.

 Thank you for your prayers!
Nicole Furno
Regional Prayer Coordinator, North/Great Lakes

“Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:20-21

January Update

Dear Heavenly Father,

We lift up the Bronx to You, Lord, as it is so culturally diverse and the poorest borough with the largest needs!    We praise You for the Wed. morning prayer calls between pastors that You have begun; this is the Hand of God. We join them in praying for revival to come to the Bronx!  Thank You, Father, for preparing the soil even now:  "Let salvation spring up, in the Bronx, Lord, and let righteousness grow with it."  Isaiah 45:8

We thank You, Father, for Your servant, Levi Park who has the huge task of overseeing the Bronx as well as New Jersey! 

We pray Your redemptive Word over him and the Bronx for protection, wisdom, strength and energy.   Lord, his requests this month are for:
1.  The Pastor's meeting this week about a major outreach in Orchard Beach, where 25-50,000 people can be found on any given sunny day.
2.  Direction and settlement in the public relations and advertising plans.
3.  Meetings in both the Bronx and NJ this week.
4.  Launch of radio and church publicity for the Re:New conference, coming Feb. 10-13.
5.  Pastor's Prayer Summit, Jan. 19-21.
6.  Re:New Conference, Feb. 10-13. Hosted in the Bronx on Wednesday, Feb. 11.

Father, as Levi is tilling the soil, preparing for the harvest in the Bronx, we pray "The Lord gives you the desire of your heart and makes all your plans succeed."  Psalm 20:4. And, Isaiah 40:29-31, "that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."  "Spread Your protection over Levi and his family...For surely, O Lord, You bless the righteous; You surround Levi with Your favor as with a shield."  Psalm 5:12. "Be strong and courageous, Levi, and do the work.  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God is with you.  He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple is finished."  1 Chronicles 28:20

Lord, we commit this major outreach at Orchard Beach and the Pastor's meeting this week to You in prayer.  We pray there will be a mighty harvest and for a glorious sunny day where lives will be changed for all eternity.  Psalm 85:6 says, "Will You not revive us again, and Your people rejoice in You?  Show us Your unfailing love, O Lord, and grant (Orchard) Beach) Your salvation."  

Father, we lift up the Re:New conferences being held in NJ, the Bronx, Manhattan and Brooklyn from Feb. 10-13.  We pray for 2,000 and even more to attend each night, as we know You are "able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."  Ephesians 3:20

Start spreading the Word, Lord, through the media, social media, radio and we pray that the Brooklyn Tabernacle would join and worship:  Just as when Moses completed the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34) with the cloud of Your glory, we pray all the people will see Your glory, in all these boroughs and fall down and worship You at Re:New!  Leviticus 9:23-24

Father, use LPA as a catalyst, an instrument of Your grace in all these gatherings beginning at the Prayer Summit Jan. 19-21: Lord, You know this is a critical and key prayer request as there will be 300+ leaders from all over the region for two days of prayer and dreaming together.  As they gather in groups by boroughs to pray, Lord, knit their hearts together to get engaged with the Luis Palau CityServe Campaign.  We pray they will come together in unity, to put down their agenda and pick up God's agenda:  Habakkuk 1:5 says, "Look at the Nations and watch-and be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days (in NYC) that you would not believe even if you were told."

"The Lord will indeed give what is good and our land (NYC) will yield its HARVEST.  Righteousness goes before Him and PREPARES the way for His steps."  Psalm 85:12-13

"For the Lord God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete."  Deuteronomy 16:15

In Jesus Christ's Name we all pray.  Amen.

Nicole Furno
Regional Prayer Leader for Great Lakes/North


December Update

Thank you ladies for your prayers on behalf on NYC and The Bronx. God is already answering our prayers and doing so many exciting things!

Praise Points:

  • A group of Bronx pastors will be having a prayer conference call every Wednesday morning at 6:30am.  Last week there were 8 pastors on the call with many more interested in joining. 

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for safety and protection for Levi Park and the team in the Bronx due to recent protests there. According to Levi, things are getting “quite heated.”  Pray for peace in NYC and Psalm 34:14 that the people there would: “Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”
  • Pray for the Renew Conference on February 11th in the Bronx with Luis, Francis Chan, and the Passion band. Pray that many people would respond, attend and be impacted in their walk with God.
  • Pray for unity among churches in the Bronx. "How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!" (Ps 133:1) 
  • Pray for more momentum with CityServe.  
  • Finally, please pray for a potentially huge outreach being looked at for this summer on Orchard Beach.

Thank you again ladies for your prayers!  "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12)

We hope you have a blessed Christmas season.

November Update

Below are some prayer requests from Levi Park, Church Relations Director for the Bronx:

1. Pray for our local coordinators.
2. Continue praying for our consultations. They have been quite positive so far. Pray that the rest would be instrumental in gaining momentum to meet the needs of many people.
3. We will be meeting soon to strategize for regional outreaches, which will begin in the spring. 


October Update

October Requests

  • For The Bronx team: Arabia Veggacado and Ray Serrano. The team is in need of another church coordinator. Please pray that God would bring the right person.
  • A spirit of unity among the churches
  • Overbearing burden for the lost in the Bronx.
  • Wisdom and direction on what regional outreaches to conduct. 

September Update



August 27, 2014 

Dear Prayer Warriors,

It is my prayer that you have had a wonderful summer filled with rest, refreshment, and time with family. It’s been a busy season for the Palau team, with festivals in both Alaska and Jamaica. We’ve also been building our prayer team, and are so grateful you have joined us! God is amazing and He is at work in and through us! As we pray, our faith grows.  

“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

As we pray and grow in faith this autumn, let's keep NY CityServe & CityFest in our prayers, and watch as God moves mountains!


Nearly 5,000 people came together for a youth outreach in Long Island on August 20. Praise and worship events have taken place over the last 4 years, but this was the first time the Gospel was proclaimed and people were asked to make a decision for Christ. Trained counselors were hardworking, and full of faith and wisdom as they prayed with those who made decisions for Christ. We rejoice in these new lives changed for eternity!


September 23

The official NY CityServe launch is taking place at Calvary Baptist the morning of September 23rd.  Lord willing, we are praying for a full house with a minimum of 600 churches, pastors, and leaders in attendance. The first local fundraising event is also taking place that evening.  Please pray for all tables to be hosted and filled with the right business leaders and also for a great response.

LPA Staff

  • Favor for the Palau team and church relations team as we mobilize people for NY CityServe.
  • LPA staff who have moved to NYC.
  • Three strong candidates for admin positions.
  • For strong communication between our Latin and English speaking teams.
  • Protection for every member of the team working on this campaign.
  • Wisdom for Luis and all those taking part in preparing for the outreach events.

Local NYC

  • Venue location(s) and dates.
  • For churches not yet engaged to come on board. 
  • Every ministry in NYC to be aware of and engaged in NY CityServe and CityFest.


Invite your family and friends to join the NWPT and keep fanning the flame! We’d love to see 1,000 team members praying for NYC by the September 23rd launch. We are grateful for each and every member to date! Encourage your friends and family to join. Every new member will receive a FREE prayer journal. 


Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next monthly national prayer call taking place the second Tuesday of every month. These times have been really special and inspiring. We hope you can join us!

September 9th | 1PM Pacific, 3PM Central, 4PM Eastern

To access the call: call (712) 432-1212, enter Mtg ID: 931-416-121#


Follow the National Women's Prayer Team on Facebook and Twitter for spiritual encouragement, prayer requests, and devotionals. Follow NY CityServe & CityFest for the latest campaign updates on Facebook and Twitter.