You don’t have to look far to see the pain and struggle in our world. People are depressed, fearful, broken, and in pain. There are wars, rumors of wars, riots, killings, chaos, and loss. It’s heartbreaking.
We are at a critical point in our world's history.
We see the pain and hurt in the eyes of our neighbors, our friends, our co-workers, and our family members. We all know someone who has yet to turn to Jesus Christ or who is deeply struggling in their faith. For most of them, it’s the unanswered questions that keep them away from God. Why the pain? Why the struggle? Why the hurt?
Yet we have the answer. We have the hope. And if we don’t do something, we could lose many people forever.
Change starts when we begin to pray.
God calls us to pray regularly. We are called to pray for our nation, our rulers, those in authority over us, those who persecute us, those close to us. We are also called to pray for those half a world away.
We are called to pray for the lost, and to pray for His power. And when we do, He promises to answer.
We pray because we expect Him to answer.